Stuff We Love To Do: Road Trips!
We're so excited! This is our first time taking Piper on a longer trip. We'll be on the road for a while, so we need to pack more than just for a day trip.

Here's a list of our essentials:
Tags and proof of vaccines / ownership
Heart-worm meds
Travel bowls
First aid kit
Soft sided travel kennel
Seat belt
Collar and leash
Biodegradable poop bags
Treats and a chew
Toothbrush and Greenies
Bath wipes
Favourite toys
K9 Sport Sack
Pet Safe Bark Control (for in the hotel)
Accessories, of course ;)
What else? Are we missing anything? Follow along for the next month while we travel, test out our gear, and do all things related to dog friendly travel 💗