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Road Tripping: Border Crossing

First things first: crossing the border. No big deal! However, it could be - so you should always be prepared.

For this trip I did a lot of research to see what the requirements were to bring a dog across from Canada into the USA and found this great infographic that outlines exactly what you need for paperwork regarding vaccinations.

If your pup is a frequent flyer you probably will need to be even more diligent and make sure to check details with specific countries and airlines. In my research I found a few common things that you should consider and made a quick and easy list!

Things you may need for international travel with your dog:

1. Proof of rabies vaccination.

See the above infographic link for what all needs to be on this form.

2. License and registration, or microchip information.

Just in case your pup gets lost and you have to prove that they are your family!

3. Proof of purchase / ownership.

Not necessarily required, but it could be important if there are any disputes or legal issues.

4. A good carrier.

Even for crossing the border by land I read that you need to have your pet contained, so we had Piper in her soft-sided travel crate for crossing. *Piper's travel crate is amazing and I highly recommend it - stay tuned for a future product review on it.

5. Blood tests may be required for some countries / regions.

Here is a link to a great source of info for Canadian doggies! While my American friends should check their own countries regulations, this is probably a good starting point for you too. The article also discussing considerations for flying in heat and how to make sure your dog is comfortable during travel.

Happy Travels! Stay tuned for our next posts about the fabulous hotels we stayed at!

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